Motorized Medical Alignment Lasers

HITM Datasheet Rev. B

The HITM-X, HITM-Y and HITM-XY motorized lasers are precision alignment solutions for patient setup in the field of radiation therapy. The units create one or two remote-controlled adjustable laser planes by projecting high-quality red, green or blue laser lines. When combined with other similar units, this allows the creation of a virtual isocenter in all tree body planes.

The HITM-XY crosshair model features two independently adjustable orthogonal laser planes.


  • High-accuracy positioning using SmartDRIVE technology
  • Single-plane or crosshair
  • Radio or cabled PC remote control
  • 3 degrees of freedom per plane: translation, tilt and rotation
  • Dual laser: two laser lines modules of any color
  • Flexible on-wall, in ceiling or on post mounting


  • Patient setup and marking during CT/PET simulation
  • Patient alignment and setup for external beam radiation therapy